Black Paintings – Pinturas Negras

Francisco Goya (1746-1828)

The Black Paintings is a collective name given to Goya’s 14 murals found in his home, the Quinta del Sordo (Deaf Man’s Villa) in Madrid. They portray intense, haunting themes, reflective of both his fear of insanity and by then, his bleak outlook on humanity.

The murals were painted between 1819 and 1823 and were later transferred onto canvas in 1874. They are now held in the Museo del Prado in Madrid.

Francisco Goya was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker. The subversive and imaginative element in his art, as well as his bold handling of paint, provided a model for the work of later generations of artists, notably Picasso, Manet and Francis Bacon.

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(Saturno devorando a su hijo), Saturn Devouring His Son

(Átropos - Las Parcas), Atropos (The Fates)

(Átropos – Las Parcas), Atropos (The Fates)

(Dos viejos - Un viejo y un fraile), Two Old Men

(Dos viejos – Un viejo y un fraile), Two Old Men

(Dos viejos comiendo sopa), Two Old Men Eating Soup

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(El Gran Cabrón - Aquelarre), Witches' Sabbath,

(El Gran Cabrón – Aquelarre), Witches’ Sabbath

(Hombres leyendo), Men Reading

(Hombres leyendo), Men Reading

(Judith y Holofernes), Judith and Holofernes

(Judith y Holofernes), Judith and Holofernes

(La romería de San Isidro), A Pilgrimage to San Isidro

(La romería de San Isidro), A Pilgrimage to San Isidro

(Mujeres riendo), Women Laughing

(Mujeres riendo), Women Laughing

(Peregrinación a la fuente de San Isidro - Procesión del Santo Oficio), Procession of the Holy Office

(Peregrinación a la fuente de San Isidro – Procesión del Santo Oficio), Procession of the Holy Office

(El perro), The Dog

(El perro), The Dog

(Una manola - La Leocadia), Leocadia

(Una manola – La Leocadia), Leocadia

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