Shirō Ishii – Unit 731, Asian Auschwitz


Call me a creeper, but I’m more likely to take interest in stuff that scares the shit out of me. I stumbled upon Shirō Ishii just this morning. Believe me, if I had a life outside, I would never even know that such man ever existed.


As head of Japan’s infamous Unit 731 (a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II), Dr. Shiro Ishii (head of medicine) carried out violent human experimentation of tens of thousands during the Second Sino-Japenses War and World War II. Ishii was responsible for testing vivisection techniques without any anesthesia on human prisoners. For the uninitiated, vivisection is the act of conducting experimental surgery on living creatures (with central nervousness) and examining their insides for scientific purposes.

So basically, he was giving unnecessary surgery to prisoners by opening them all the way up, keeping them alive and not using any anesthetic.

During these experiments he would also force pregnant women to abort their babies. He also played God by subjecting his prisoners to change in physiological conditions and inducing strokes, heart attacks, frost bite, and hypothermia. Ishii considered these subjects “logs”.

Following imminent defeat in 1945, Japan blew up the Unity 731 complex and Ishii ordered all the remaining “logs” to be executed. Not soon after, Ishii was arrested. And then, the respected General Douglas McArthur allegedly struck a deal with Ishii. If the U.S. granted Ishii immunity from his crimes, he must exchange all germ warfare data based on human experimentation.

So Ishii got away with his crimes because the US became interested in the results of his research.

While not directly responsible for these acts, the actions of the American government certainly illustrated it was more than willing to condone human torture for advancements in biological warfare that could kill even more people.

Not a surprise, considering its past resume. Ishii remained alive until 1959, performing research into bio-weaponry and probably thinking up more plans to annihilate people in different, Dr. Giggles-esque ways to his dying day.

So here are some gruesome photos. Not a pretty sight but it’s worth the knowledge, if you ask me.

The first female prisoner of Unit 731 is a victim of the phosphorus burn wound experiments conducted by microbiologist Shiro Ishii

The first female prisoner of Unit 731 is a victim of the phosphorus burn wound experiments conducted by microbiologist Shiro Ishii

The second female victim developed gas gangrene of her buttocks after the test of the ceramic bomb filled with Clostridium bacterial spores

The second female victim developed gas gangrene of her buttocks after the test of the ceramic bomb filled with Clostridium bacterial spores

Russian woman prisoner at Japanese Invasion Army Unit 731. She died during the test of the ceramic bomb exposure's effect on a human body

Russian woman prisoner at Japanese Invasion Army Unit 731. She died during the test of the ceramic bomb exposure’s effect on a human body

A vivisection of the pregnant womanat the Unit 731. This pregnant young woman was infected with syphilis for to study the efficiency of the new Japanese antibiotic terramycin on the infected fetus

A vivisection of the pregnant woman at the Unit 731. This pregnant young woman was infected with syphilis to study the efficiency of the new Japanese antibiotic terramycin on the infected fetus